Monday, October 25, 2010

Tim Wise "Between Barack and a Hard Place." : Reflection/Hyperlink

In the video's Wise seems to think that rascism still exist today and he is right it does. Even though Brown vs. Board of education did not get rid of rascism totally it was still a huge step in the right direction and Wise says that it will take time to get rid of it completely. I think that he is right about this and it will just take time for things to settle down and for people not to be rascist. You can see the progression step by step every day.

Another interesting idea that Wise said was that Black people have less opportunities than White people. He said that some people have less job opportunities than others and even are treated differently in many ways. I agree with him in so ways that Black people are distadvantaged because of the sterio type that exists in todays society.

In class, I hope to talk about the ways that we can help more White people accept Black people and also create more opportuntiies for them as well.  More background information about brown vs. board of education

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Disney you tube video (extra blog post)

I thought you guys would like to see this you tube video. It goes along with the class we talked about Disney in! I hope you all enjoy it :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kahne and Westheimer "In the Service of What?" : Argument

In the article by Kahne and Westheimer argue that service learning is a way to improve the community and provide opportunities to educate other people doing the service learning.

In my opinion, I think that service learning has its ups and downs. I agree with Kahne and Westheimer in some ways but I also disagree in some ways. I think that service learning is a way to improve the community in some ways because you are there to help the less fortunate people in america. One example they give in the article is giving survival kits to the homeless. I think this is one way of service learning to help improve the community. Or is it just community service?

I also think that it means not only helping people in need but you benefitting from helping those people. For example going to the classroom you are helping the students who are less fortunate to go to a better school but you are also learning how to be a teacher while your helping other people. Unlike the example I gave above where you are just helping people by giving them the survival kit but you are not benefitting from this because you are not learning anything. This is where I disagree with Kahne and Westheimer because I think service learning is where both parties benefit. The first example above I think is a better example of community service because just one party is benefitting from the help you give.

All in all service learning is when you help someone less fortunate than you (service) and you benefit from doing it and learn something new to further your education (learning).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Christensen "Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us" : Extended Comments

I read Ann's Blog and I decided to do mine based on her. I agree with her totally that disney tends to focus on one particular type of person in their films. In many of the  movies the higher class white folks are the main focus. For example all of the princess movies have to do with a white royal family which is very a typical of the American society. I think disney has tried to make movies with people of other ethnic backgrounds as the main leads like Ann had said in her blog and she used Mulan as an example. But, I still think that it is all mainly focused on white Americans which to me is not the right thing that we should be teaching our children as they grow up. I also noticed in many disney movies that color is not the only thing they choose to avoid but also women. In a lot of the movies they tend to kill off the mother and they just have the Dad. The disney movies are a great way of showing the how powerful the culture of power really is.

I really like the hyperlink that Ann chose because it shows a how children notice black people are not in disney movies. One girl even says," I have never seen a black person in a disney movie." I think the best part of the hyperlink is the part about Aladdin. I liked this because it shows just how allowable it is for Disney to be rascist. In the Aladdin problem, there was a big controversy over it and someone wrote in a news paper that it was rascist but it did not matter because it was disney. I think this is the wrong way to teach children about cultures and races because it could be part of the reason why we have so many racial issues today.

In class I hope to discuss, Do other people think that the disney movies teach children the wrong things about race? I also would like to discuss other movies in America and if they are interratial or portray the culture of power.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Carlson "Gayness, Multicultural Education, and Community" : Hyperlink

When I think about gay orientation the only thing I think about is oh they are interested in girls and I am interested in guys, what is the big deal in that. But in today's society there are so many controversies over gay rights it is crazy. When I think about other people being gay I think to myself before I decide to make fun of them or accept who they are as a person. I put myself in their shoes and say if I was a lesbian would I want to be made fun of just because I am interested in woman rather than men and I do not follow the "culture of power." as Delpit would say. These are the many issues in todays society because gay marriage and gay orientation goes against religions and its just not the "ideal" way of life.

Recently, at Rutgers College two freshman boys had got paired up to live in the same dorm room. One of the boys just happened to be gay. One day, the boy had brought back another boy to his room and they started making out in the room while they were alone. Little did they know the roommate had hid a camera in the room to video tape them and then put it all over the internet. The gay boy ended up committing suicide after this whole incident and the roommate is being charged with his murder. Many people seem to think his suicide had to do with the lack of acceptance gay orientation has in the world. When I heard this story I thought about how many other people probably feel unaccepted just like the boy who committed suicide did and how many other people will committ suicide just like he did. This is a terrible thing when we should not care about what people look like or who they choose to have an intimate relationship with. I hope to discuss this more in class and see what other people have to say about gay orientation and the role it plays in the world today.

Here is the link to the New York Times news article for the roommates at Rutgers I discussed above.